
Entry Level Esthetician Jobs How to Become a Skin Care Therapist

To get entry level jobs in cosmetic treatments, minimum education is required, mostly hands on training and passing a written exam. It is important to realize that in this type of occupation you can not perform cosmetic procedures such as botox, or restylene injections.

Your job will include providing facial treatments, deep skin cleansing, dead skin cell exfoliation while recommending the best cosmetic products.

Many skin conditions can be treated but you can not prescribe medication for acne or wrinkle creams. Entry level positions will allow you to provide minimal skin care for women and men.

Common acne treatments such as Differin, Retin-A and others must be handled by a dermatologist. As for laser skin treatment such as chemical peels may be a State requirement depending on where your living.

You may find that treating patients with cystic and nodulocystic acne is a challenge and if your new on the job make sure to consult a more experienced skin professional.

If you decide to take online esthetician training courses you will be hired at most day spas, beauty salons and medical clinics.

The great thing is that you will be able to perform a variety of duties from body wraps, hair waxing and manicures. It is best to consult a doctor before you diagnose skin conditions or prescribe medications for skin.

Your hourly wage can vary from a salary position to a commission based one. The skin care industry offers many opportunities for advancement and higher pay.

The interesting thing is that more people who are aging gracefully will have use of these services, making it one of the fastest growing occupations.